openATTIC 3.7.2 has been released

We're happy to announce version 3.7.2 of openATTIC!

Version 3.7.2 is the second release in 2019 and although it does not contain a lot of changes it includes a critical bugfix when using or updating to Ceph Luminous version 12.2.11-566-g896835fd74. When using the previously mentioned Ceph version it was no longer possible to create a replicated pool within openATTIC - trying to do so resulted in an error.

Also we fixed an issue in the frontend related to long running tasks showing a huge time difference for calculated runtimes even though they only took a few seconds to complete.

Fortunately we were able to fix the mentioned issues and are therefore happy to release a new openATTIC version including these fixes and making sure that when updating to Ceph version 12.2.11-x openATTIC works as expected.

Your feedback, ideas and bug reports are very welcome. If you would like to get in touch with us, consider joining our openATTIC Users Google Group, visit our #openattic channel on or leave comments below this blog post.

See the list below for a more detailed change log and further references. The OP codes in brackets refer to individual Jira issues that provide additional details on each item. You can review these on our public Jira instance.

Changelog for version 3.7.2


  • WebUI: Task time calculations in different time zones (OP-3178)
  • WebUI/QA: Input fields are cleared manual (OP-3187)
  • Backend: Gatling test "error parsing integer value ..." (OP-3188)


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