Use Nikola from a developer point of view

If you want to create or modify a oA blog post, then this short introduction will show you how to do this without the need to read howto's about Nikola. You will be able to setup a virtual environment within seconds to avoid polluting your Python installation and your Git repository on your development system.

Install the virtual environment package:

# apt-get install virtualenv

Go to your previously cloned openatticblog Git repository and create the virtual environment and run nikola:

$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
$ cd venv
$ source bin/activate
$ pip install -r ../requirements.txt

If you want to create a new blog post you need to enter:

$ git checkout -b <NAME_OF_BRANCH>
$ nikola new_post -a "<YOUR_NAME>" -t "Title of the blog post"
$ git add posts/title-of-the-blog-post.rst

To check your changes simply start nikola. The blog will be updated automatically if there are any changes:

$ nikola auto

The blog is now available under http://localhost:8000.

Finally commit and push your changes if the post is ready to publish. Don't forget to sign off the commit:

$ git commit -a -s
$ git push


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