Summary of SUSE Hackweek Activities

The openATTIC team visited the SUSE Headquarters in Nuremberg last week, to take part in the 14th annual SUSE Hackweek.
For us, it was a good opportunity to meet with some of the engineers from the SUSE Enterprise Storage Team in person, to further discuss implementation details of the Ceph Monitoring and Management features in openATTIC, look at some UI prototypes and to learn more about each other's ongoing projects and requirements.
We made good progress in various areas and were able to refine and update many Jira issues based on the feedback and discussions. It was helpful for us to learn more about the state of the Salt-based Ceph management framework and the iSCSI-Support using the lrbd utility that SUSE is working on and to discuss how to best interact with these components from openATTIC.
Some noteworthy highlights and accomplishments of last week include:
- Stephan implemented RBD management capabilities (OP-749, OP-1290) - in addition to viewing, it is now possible to create and delete RBDs from the openATTIC WebUI (a pull request is in the works).
- Sebastian (Krah) continued working on the Ceph dashboard infrastructure, particularly on the functionality to add new widgets (e.g. performance graphs) and a grid layout that allows moving and resizing the widgets. The user will be able to create custom dashboards by selecting and arranging the graph widgets as he prefers.
- While adding and testing the RBD management functionality, a few bugs in the REST API were discovered (OP-1309, OP-1302, OP-1305 and OP-1133), which Sebastian (Wagner) resolved immediately.
- Sebastian also implemented a new REST API call to obtain the Ceph cluster's configuration (OP-1308)
- He also added some general improvements to the RBD REST Collection, like adding disk usage statistics and made a prototype of a REST Collection showing all Salt minions.
- Tatjana extended the REST API to return a Ceph cluster's performance data in JSON format (which will be used by the Ceph dashboard) (OP-1279).
- Kai deployed a public etherpad for, to further improve our collaboration infrastructure.
- I also got around to fixing a few minor packaging issues (OP-1106, OP-1141, OP-1267) and making the openATTIC login screen slightly more welcoming (OP-1310)
- Kai, Patrick & Laura made further progress regarding Ceph deployment using Salt and libraries provided by swiftgist and oms4suse [WIP]
- Patrick & Laura extended our CI system deployments based on Salt by adding configuration files for a Jenkins Slave [WIP]
- We also devised a new way for being productive in boring meetings: the coding helmet !
We would like to thank SUSE for their hospitality and their support! This week was a memorable and productive event for us.
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