Meet the openATTIC Team at FrOSCon 2016

FrOSCon, the annual Free and Open Source Conference, takes place on August 20th and 21st in St. Augustin, Germany.

It is our great pleasure to be present there again - the openATTIC team will have a booth in the exhibition area. it-novum, the company that sponsors the openATTIC development, is also a proud Silver Sponsor of the event.

We'll be showcasing the latest development version of openATTIC, including the latest Ceph management features.

You will also be able to participate in a quiz contest for two Raspberry Pi 3 Model B single board computers, so please stop by at our exhibition desk if you want to join!

I will also give an overview talk about openATTIC 2.0 (in German), highlighting the latest changes and features as well as an outlook into future development plans.

We look forward to being there again!


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