The initial Ceph Dashboard v2 pull request has been merged!

It actually happened exactly one week ago while I was on vacation: it's our great pleasure and honor to announce that we have reached our first milestone - the initial Ceph Dashboard v2 pull request has now been merged into the upstream Ceph master git branch, so it will become part of the upcoming Ceph "Mimic" release!

I'd like to express my gratitude to the team at SUSE that tirelessly worked on this project for the last 7-8 weeks and everyone else who contributed by reviewing/commenting and giving guidance. In particular, we would like to thank John Spray from the Ceph project for his help and support.

And we're far from done yet - we're already working on many follow-up improvements and new features, including additional object gateway management features (e.g. list users/keys/buckets), RBD management, SSL support, and a few other enhancements.

Stay tuned for additional pull requests being submitted in the coming days and weeks.

What I find particularly noteworthy is the fact that we already received pull requests and feedback from other contributors outside of the original team at SUSE that started this project. We look forward to getting more of these!

If you would like to take a look at the new Dashboard UI you can either watch the screen cast above, or set up your own local development environment. See the file HACKING.rst in the dashboard module's subdirectory for details.

Thanks again to everyone involved in making this happen! This is a major milestone in our project's history.


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